$1,500.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases
PRE-REQUISITES min 2yrs machine experience - we do not teach this to beginners.
*We do believe that in order for a paramedical tattooist to be decent, they must know how to tattoo healthy skin first.
Master healthy skin first, then advance into the most important type of tattooing there is, paramedical and restorative!
A simple error to a beginner might leave devastating results to their client and exaggerate dysmorphia or dysphoria.  You could also irreversibly damage them and render their tattoo unfixable.
If you rush to get into paramedical tattooing without respect to learning the basics, it will be your client who pays the price and all products will be revoked with no refunds given.

We are here for the people GETTING tattooed above all, and for your ultimate success.  No tattoo basics will be covered here.


You will enjoy 6 months of focused work that can be spread out over a year, where no stone goes unturned for only $8,500

If you'd like to go ALL THE WAY with your Areola Artistry and Scar tissue understanding, this package makes it simple.  Simple, not easy - but simple!

What you'll get:

  • MEDICAL MASTERY Live Mentorship - 9 weeks with 4 Experts ($ 3,297)
  • A.R.T. Scars Technique Certification with 6 week Practicum + 2 day training ($ 3,200)
  • A.R.T. Areola Certification with 10 week Practicum + 3 day Training ($ 4,500)

You will also receive the extra courses like our Surgeries Masterclass, Aseptic Techniques, and a 10-course suite that will level you up in ALL areas! 


This Apprenticeship sets you up to advance into our Level 4 Certification - Medical Restoration for Belly Buttons, Nailbeds and more, as well as our super secret Level 5 Certification in Gender Affirming Tattooing- which is NOT PMU AND MUST NEVER BE TREATED AS SUCH